Never too late to have a Happy Childhood

I've been going through old photos from my parents' collections. I'm planning to make a scrapbook of my life--the early years. It's been a wild journey into memory-land. Some photos take me down paths of bittersweet and thorny roses. Some lead me to more questions than certainties. Others just take me to a place where I can smile and laugh all the way up from my toes.

I hope to write more about it later. But in the meantime, here are a couple from the collection. To the right is a shot of my siblings and me in our 'family pool'--note the luxerient surroundings. The one above is of me on my grandparents' porch.

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Easter Prayer 2005

National City Christian Church Rev. Arlene Franks O God of life, God of love and laughter…we, your Easter people greet you thi...